Contact |
Headteacher | Mr Tim Knapp | Tim Knapp |
Attendance and Absence | Ms Dawn Swain/Mrs Lou Beddoes | Attendance |
Catering (Alliance in Partnership) | Ms Sam Powell | Kitchen |
Chair of Governors | Mr Marc Hales | Marc Hales |
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Mr Foster Erwin | Foster Erwin |
Exams | Ms Jess Fearn/Ms Dawn Turner | Examinations |
Finance | Mrs Sarah Wright | Finance |
Integral (facilities/school hire) | Mr Keiran Bateman/Ms Diana Lindesay | Integral |
Reception | Ms Wendy Larkin/Mrs Alysoun Osbourne | Reception |
School Business Manager | Mrs Sue Lusted | Sue Lusted |
SENCo | Miss Jade Powell | Jade Powell |